International Clay Target Shooting Federation ictsf
Note : The World DTL was being conducted before the formation of the ICTSF in 2008.
Down the Line.
1948. 1st World DTL Championship. England.
1994. 2nd World DTL Championship. Wales.
1997. 3rd World DTL Championship. Australia.
1999. 4th World DTL Championship. Wales.
2002. 5th World DTL Championship. New Zealand.
2004. 6th World DTL Championship. England.
2006. 7th World DTL Championship. Australia.
(Formation of ICTSF).
2008. ICTSF 8th World DTL Championship. Ireland.
2010. ICTSF 9th World DTL Championship. South Africa.
2012. ICTSF 10th World DTL Championships. Wales.
2014. ICTSF 11th World DTL Championships. New Zealand.
2016. ICTSF 12th World DTL Championships. Ireland.
2018. ICTSF 13th World DTL Championships. Australia.
English Sporting.
2011. ICTSF 1st World ESP Championships. New Zealand.
2013. ICTSF 2nd World ESP Championships. Canada.
2015. ICTSF 3rd World ESP Championships. South Africa.
2017. ICTSF 4th World ESP Championships. England.
2019. ICTSF 5th World ESP Championships. Ireland.
English Skeet.
2009. ICTSF 1st World SKT Championship. England.
Currently Discontinued.